SEDONA-O2®, has emerged and is touted as the world’s premier preventative
medicine and survival formula as the key to life, health and longevity.
Developed with Scalar
Physics, SEDONA-O2® provides 100% optimal cellular nutrient absorption
and is the most advanced and effective anti-aging, electrolyte, multi-nutrient,
multi-healing, immunological, oxygen + hydrogen generating formula available in
the health market today.
SEDONA-O2® is an unequaled scientific achievement as a cellular nutrient
delivery system. SEDONA-O2® delivers a total of 131 micronutrients to
every cell in the brain and body. It contains a blend of 28 metabolic enzymes,
18 amino acids, and 85 trace minerals electrically charged in a proprietary
base of humic-fulvic deuterium.
SEDONA-O2® is a complete mineral and nutritional supplement that enhances
nutritional biochemical activities and restores back to your body what modern
living and technology is stripping away daily.
Key Benefits:
- Oxygenation:
Measurable increase in oxygen in the blood, which helps diminish pathogen
growth in the body.
- Increases Cellular Respiration: When S-O2® is mixed in water, an exothermic reaction
takes place providing the steady flow of oxygen and hydrogen to all parts
of the body allowing simultaneous oxygenation and reduction within the
- Metabolic Efficiency Catalyst: S-O2® enhances nutrient absorption and increases metabolism. It
may promote greater availability of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other
- Energy Boosting Properties: S-O2® allows the body to function efficiently, resulting in
increased energy levels.
- Helps Detoxify the Body: After the energy potential in the body is increased, natural
bodily mechanisms increase metabolism to move waste material ad toxins out
of the body.
- Helps Balance the Body Metabolism: S-O2® is highly charged electrically and its di-base solution has
a bipolar valance, creating a dualistic balancing approach to tissue
- Colloidal Minerals:
The minerals in SEDONA-O2® are in a special colloidal suspension
for easier absorption and utilization by the body. These minerals are the
smallest particle size ever produced at only 10 nanometers to allow S-O2®
to enter into every cell membrane.
- Special Ionic Form:
The elements in S-O2® are in a special ionic state so they are
readily absorbed by the body.
Suggested Use:
SEDONA-O2® In 8 oz. purified water
or juice, pour 8 drops of S-O2®, stir and drink. Optimum use is 3 times
a day and especially during stress or physical activity. Ideally to be taken no
less than 15 minutes before meals or one hour after meals. May also be prepared
in a full water bottle and sipped throughout the day.
The Ultimate Survival Formula! Recently, a high-bred formula has - gained global attention. The popular Cell Food product has proven to bring
- exciting results with its use. A similar but more potent product,
SEDONA-O2® - dissociates water molecules and is developed from a solution which has the
- ability to release the oxygen and hydrogen simultaneously in a chain reaction
- that involves only 1/600,000th of the body’s available moisture at any time.
- Since our bodies are over 2/3rds water, the oxygen and hydrogen source is
- unlimited. This cascading time release of oxygen and hydrogen typically peaks
- within 8-12 hours of ingestion, and can continue for up to 3 days. The body’s
- natural intelligence releases the oxygen and hydrogen whenever and wherever
- they are needed, and if no longer needed then no more is released. The vital
- essential nutrients are delivered simultaneously to every cell in the body.
According to Dr. Alex Carrel, winner - of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, living cells can be kept alive indefinitely by
- applying a simple formula. Dr. Carrel proved that “the cell is immortal. It
- is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at
- intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition and the pulsation of
- life may go on forever.”
SEDONA-O2® - is considered that cellular formula required for optimum healthy cells and
- longevity of life. SEDONA-O2® is the
- world’s most advanced nutrient formula. It provides 100% optimal cellular
- nutrient absorption, which no other formula can equal.
- has an amazing ability to balance a person’s physical, electrical,
- biological, chemical, emotional, and psychological levels.
- works at the electrical and the electromagnetic levels by increasing the
- vibrational frequencies of all the body organs, increasing the immune
- system, and allowing the nervous system to function more effectively.
- works at the biological level by enhancing natural biological processes,
- such as digestive and metabolic function through enzymatic action.
- works on the chemical level by providing amino acids to the body for
- protein building.
- SEDONA-O2®’s
- ability to supply oxygen and nutrients to the brain supports an emotional
- and psychological sense of well-being.
SEDONA-O2® - is, in essence, an electromagnetic equation. Since the blood and lymph fluid
- are colloidal and negatively charged, the synchronicity between SEDONA-O2® and these vital fluids assure the
- bioavailability of SEDONA-O2® nutrients
- to every cell in the body. SEDONA-O2®
- is a di-pole, di-base delivery system, and it delivers nutrients to cells and
- tissues under any condition. Di-pole means SEDONA-O2®
- is effective in any polarity range of the body. Di-base refers to SEDONA-O2®’s effectiveness in any PH range and
- it will normalize the body’s acid-base balance.
Another of SEDONA-O2®’s qualities is the ability to split - water by separating the oxygen from the hydrogen. SEDONA-O2®
- is actually wetter and heavier than water! SEDONA-O2®
- contains 3.5% body-friendly sulfur.
The Earth’s Loss Of Oxygen And - Minerals Effects Us!
Most people still do not realize - that nutritional deficiencies lead to disease. Earth’s atmosphere once
- contained 38-50% oxygen. Environmental pollution has led to the depletion of
- oxygen in our atmosphere. Today it is generally less that 21%, and as low as
- 7-9% in some major cities. The human body is simply not designed to breathe
- air with less that 21% oxygen in it!
With a reduction of oxygen in the - atmosphere, cellular oxygenation decreases. This results in metabolism slowing
- down, and in toxins not being oxidized and expelled from our bodies. Chronic
- oxygen deficiency at the cellular level leads to the accumulation of these
- toxins, resulting in cellular mutation and life-threatening diseases.
Through the use of scientific - measuring devises, scientists have estimated that the average human body
- radiates a life force frequency of 6,500 angstroms. Cancer patients radiate at
- 1,875 angstroms-the same measurement as for refined bread! They found that the
- application of just one drop of SEDONA-O2®’s
- powerful electromagnet equation in 6-8 ounces of water emanates 77,000
- units of radiant life energy. It increases the bioavailability of oxygen in
- water or juice by its deuterium, which raises the dissolved oxygen level to
- 21.06%. Dark field microscope studies reveal that within 15 minutes after
- ingesting SEDONA-O2®, there is rapid
- disappearance of infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites without
- harming the beneficial flora and microorganisms needed by the body.
SEDONA-O2® - is non-toxic with no side effects. Additionally, topical use as a wound healer
- cauterizes and disinfects wounds instantly and it acts as a free electron
- donor, repairing tissue on contact at the cellular level. People using SEDONA-O2® topically report very satisfactory
- results with warts, moles and other skin anomalies, athlete’s foot, finger nail
- and toe nail fungus, diabetic ulcers, and skin cancer.
In conclusion, there is really only - one disease plaguing mankind, though it has a thousand names. It is the disease
- of too many toxins in the body and too few nutrients reaching the cells. SEDONA-O2® cleans out toxins and provides every
- cell with a total of 131 micronutrients for life, health and longevity- the
- delivery of life force to every cell in the body.
